July 27, 2008

Simple Bib Factory

Three out of the four babies I've been making bibs for are already born... but who's counting? I managed to produce 13 Simple Bibs from Amy Karol's book, “Bend-The-Rules Sewing”. I lost a couple in the beginning as I was getting the hang of sewing around tight curves.

These bibs are cotton with cotton flannel backing. The saleswoman at the fabric shop was very helpful with selecting complimentary fabrics. I just need to place the snap closures and they'll be ready to mail.

I am pleased with the results and I feel much more comfortable with my sewing machine. I hope the recipients of these bibs will stain them with pride!

1 comment:

Michele said...

The bibs are adorable. I've been trying to sew more too. I would love to take a proper lesson but can't seem to find any that I can afford.